David Adler, CEO and Founder of BizBash, is a veteran media and event entrepreneur. He founded BizBash as an idea and resource marketplace for event organizers from corporate and association to high-end personal and social events. The site has become the largest media property in the business-to-business event industry with nearly 1.5 million annual user sessions.
In addition to BizBash, the company also owns masterplanneronline.com, a date conflict resolution for New York and Los Angeles, as well as major investment in eventleadershipinstitute.com, a leader in on-line video training for the event industry.
Adler recently served in various volunteer roles with the U.S. State Department as a consultant to the Chief of Protocol on several projects, including Patrons of Diplomacy, the first Global Chiefs of Protocol Conference, and the Diplomatic Culinary Partnership through the American Chef Corp.
Prior to BizBash Adler was Vice President of Corporate Communications for Primedia and Macmillan Inc, and Chief of “Passion Branding” at Cone Communications where he developed programs such as the initial Avon Breast Cancer Initiative, the Reebok Human Rights Awards, the Polaroid Missing Children Program, and the John F. Kennedy Library Profiles in Courage Awards.
At the age of 21, a month after graduating from American University, Adler founded and was the CEO of Washington Dossier, a magazine that covered society, politics, and entertaining in the nation’s capital.
Adler resides in New York City and is active in several nonprofit and professional organizations, including current and previous board positions with SISO (Society of Independent Show Operator), NYC & Company, the WNET Education Committee, the Dean’s Advisory Council of the American University School of Communications, The Hurricane Island Outward Bound School, the Magazine Publishers Association, and Citymeals-on-Wheels, The Fine Arts Committee of the State Department of the United States and the Open Future Institute.