Blair deLaubenfels

Creative Industry Consultant: Get to Bizness, Co-founder, JunebugWeddings

Blair deLaubenfels has a way with words and a gift for helping businesses succeed in the luxury wedding market. Co-owner of the sought after consulting company Get to Bizness, and co-founder of, she is an experienced entrepreneur with five successful businesses in her resume. Starting her wedding industry career in 2001 as a fine-art photographer, she went on to co-found in 2006 and to sell the company to investors in 2014. As the curator of Junebug’s prestigious Best of the Best Hotlists, and consultant to many of the most talented wedding professionals in the world, she’s written over 2,000 bios, created content for hundreds of websites, and built thousands of relationships throughout the wedding industry. A regular speaker at top industry events, Blair specializes in topics related to visual marketing, website design, and brand messaging that creates sales without selling while magnetically attracting new opportunities and ideal clients at the top of the wedding market.